it support services calgary

How Can a Managed IT Service Provider Benefit Your Small Business?

Are you a startup company, or do you run a medium-sized business in Calgary? If so, we understand how challenging it is for you to maintain a reliable and efficient IT department. After all, affording full-time IT employees is barely possible for startups! So, if you want to eliminate your IT headaches while saving dollars, the best thing you can do is outsource the services by hiring a managed IT service provider

But if you are unsure whether your business needs managed IT services, let us tell you how a managed IT service provider can benefit your small or medium-sized company.

A managed IT service can make handling your overall business easier. Here, the experts focus on the core competencies of your business expansion while managing the day-to-day tasks of complicated projects, including:

  • Cloud computing
  • Cyber security
  • VoIP services
  • Security Awareness System
  • Microsoft Office 365 
  • Data centre solutions and much more

In short, managed IT service providers increase the competitiveness and efficiency of your business. But the advantages of outsourcing managed IT services don’t end here:

#1: Reduce Operational Costs-

At a business startup or for a small business owner, it’s difficult to run an in-house IT team. Moreover, it’s a matter of dollars and time when it comes to training your employees so they can handle your existing system better. But outsourcing IT support services in Calgary can eliminate these additional costs and lower your overall expenses regarding emergency repairs, consulting and training. 

#2: Expertise And Experience-

The biggest advantage of outsourcing a managed IT service provider is that your business has a certified, trained and experienced team of IT experts to get you covered for top-notch IT solutions. Also, you can implement the latest technology in your business by partnering with a managed IT support company in Calgary. 

#3: Cyber Security Support-

Cyber security is a matter of concern these days when starting a small or medium-sized business. When you hire a managed IT service provider familiar with your existing system, the chances of cyber security risks, like leaking sensitive details, client data, and other things, are reduced. The experts strive to maintain end-to-end security standards.

Now, if you determine to outsource an IT support company in Calgary, make sure you ask the following questions to make the right choice for your business:

Question #1: How Much Experience Does Your Company Have?

While looking for managed IT service providers in Calgary, it’s the first question to be asked. You have to make sure that the company you are considering has expertise in IT management according to your business type. It will help you ideate how much confidence the service provider has in the skills and services they provide. Also, ask them to show the projects they have handled previously.

Question #2: How To Contact You?

Since communication is the foundation of any business relationship, it goes the same while dealing with an IT support company in Calgary. And as IT problems don’t come with a warning, the managed IT service provider you are outsourcing should be available to take care of it whenever you need it so your business operations don’t hamper. 

So, ask if they ensure 24/7 monitoring! Also, check whether you can reach out to their experts via call or email directly.

Question #3: Do You Ensure To Handle All My IT Problems And Provide The Required Solutions? 

The IT service provider you are deciding on should have the expertise to meet your business needs. You should feel comfortable asking your provider any IT related question, and expect an expert answer. Asking these specific questions and paying attention to their answers is necessary to finding the provider right for you.

Bottom Line
So, do you believe your business can benefit from a managed IT service? If yes, count on us, 403Tech Inc.! We can provide you with the perfect solution with our IT support services in Calgary and reduce your headache. Call us to request a free consultation!